After the Lecce-Milan match, Italian journalist Gianluca Di Marzio has provided some updates regarding the choice of the new sporting director.
Here are his words to Sky Sport Italia:
"The sporting director will be decided primarily by Furlani, despite the meetings held by Ibra and Moncada with Tare, Berta, and Paratici. Now, everything starts from scratch, and Furlani will be the one conducting the meetings. Furlani represents the Elliott fund and, having signing authority, has obtained the power to meet the candidates for the sporting director role."
Di Marzio continued to talk about Furlani's mission:
"He will meet with Paratici, Tare, and also Berta, but I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of other candidates emerging. One name to consider is Tony D’Amico from Atalanta. The timing of the decision needs to be understood: is an immediate appointment necessary, or can it wait until the end of the season?"