The track leading AC Milan to the signature of Charles De Ketelaere is still open. The 21-year-old attacking midfielder who is capable of playing as a winger and central forward is the choice of Paolo Maldini, Frederic Massara and also head coach Stefano Pioli. He is young, talented and has potential. The red and black faithful are pushing for his arrival to the San Siro.
According to what is reported by Italian journalist Gianluigi Longari of SportItalia, new contacts between AC Milan and Club Brugge are expected today. The Rossoneri management is confident in the possibility of being able to find the right formula which would please the Belgian champions.
Previsti nuovi contatti già in giornata. Il #Milan ha fiducia nella possibilità di riuscire a trovare la formula giusta per accontentare il Club Bruges. De Ketelaere resta l’obiettivo numero uno per la trequarti. Lavoro partito mesi fa, ora da concretizzare.
— Gianluigi Longari (@Glongari) July 26, 2022