Franco Baresi, speaking before the Milan-Newcastle pre-match, stated the following to Sky Sport microphones:
"I greet the entire Sky team, to whom I am very connected. San Siro is always our ally, a fortress for us. Of course, there was disappointment over the Derby, but today we are in the Champions League and it will be a doubly important match to bring joy to the fans."
Baresi added:
"It's a shame that Tonali is on the other side, but this is football and it was right to welcome him like this. I don't know what Ibra will do, I saw him at Milanello and he looked good. We have players with great personality, including Maignan and Giroud, who are two respected players."
Baresi concluded:
"They are all valuable individuals and great athletes. Tonight, we have to play as if it were a final, being alive and involved, without losing enthusiasm."