A very important day for Milan's project regarding the stadium in San Donato is today. In fact, this morning, Mayor Francesco Squeri is expected to intervene with the aim of presenting to the press the first act of the council that will formally open the process for the program agreement for the urban planning variation necessary for the construction of the facility in the San Francesco area.
As reported by today's edition of La Repubblica Milano's edition, this step forward is possible because the technical evaluation phase by the offices of the Municipality of San Donato on the project presented by the Rossoneri club at the end of September has concluded.
The council will be called to vote on a document that presents the project for the new stadium as "possible and achievable."
Of course, those appointed by the municipality to carefully assess the proposal from the Sportlifecity company, owned by Milan for 90%, have also included requests to the Rossoneri club, including insights and clarifications on some technical aspects. Not to mention environmental and traffic-related issues.
"Now begins the process and dialogue with all entities, including the Region, for the program agreement", explains Councilor Massimiliano Mistretta. Despite some adjustments to the project that will be required, there is an optimistic atmosphere regarding Milan's serious intention.
"Ours is a response to a request. The project can be done; almost all the cards are there. Now the administrative process begins", adds Massimo Zuin, sports assessor of San Donato.
If the San Donato-Milan game progresses without major hitches, the one involving the Municipality of Milan for San Siro attempts to survive with the presentation of a restructuring plan scheduled for the end of January. The project by the Arco Associati studio has aroused particular interest, although Inter and Milan have not leaked any comments.
This development, however, does not particularly worry Mayor Francesco Squeri's council, which considers Milan's steps towards the hinterland increasingly decisive and unlikely to lead to a dramatic reversal towards San Siro. The team led by Gerry Cardinale, in fact, has never denied its interest in San Donato, and yesterday, the Rossoneri board of directors gave the green light for the purchase of the lands needed to expand the stadium project.
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