Netflix has recently announced that they will soon release a documentary series focused on the life of Silvio Berlusconi, the historic president of Milan who passed away in June 2023.
The streaming giant will narrate the life of the Cavaliere in three episodes, from his beginnings to his greatest successes, in sports, football, politics, and personal life, with anecdotes and revolutionary decisions that have changed the history of our country and the companies he cared for. The release date for 'The Young Berlusconi' is set for April 11th.
In the first images of the trailer, we see a very young Silvio Berlusconi being interviewed by Mike Buongiorno who asks him, "You take care of many things, distribution, publishing, cinema, football, construction, how do you do it, I don't know, but has it ever occurred to you to enter politics?"
His response: "I am a man of action, so what I do well is being an entrepreneur."