Rocco Commisso, president of Fiorentina, spoke to La Gazzetta dello Sport about many topics and even mentioned the time when he was linked to purchasing the AC Milan club.
Here are his words:
"Some victories were achieved due to absurd debt situations that almost led clubs to bankruptcy and then into the hands of funds when the owners failed to repay the loans they had received. I still wonder if those who won in certain years should have even been allowed to compete in the league... I was about to buy Milan, but it ended up with Mr. Li, and you know how that turned out. And Zhang? No one knows where he is anymore... He too was forced to leave Inter, which is in debt to the Oaktree fund. Then there’s the Juventus case: since Ronaldo, Exor has had to invest 900 million euros over five years to balance the books, despite annual revenues being over 450 million—more than three times those of Fiorentina. Among the clubs we can compare ourselves to in terms of size and revenues, only Atalanta has done better than us in terms of results, but their project, including infrastructure, started earlier. As for the others, no, I can’t envy them."
Rocco Commisso added:
"There is always trust, but I haven't seen any improvements in adhering to the rules. Juventus was penalized for irregularities, but Milan and Inter continued to spend despite hundreds of millions in debt and were never penalized for it. No action was taken. These clubs, starting with Juve, wanted to fix their finances with the Super League money at the expense of national tournaments. Fortunately, that project failed, and football was saved."