Sky Sport journalist Gianluca Di Marzio took stock of the Rossoneri mercato and the Romain Faivre track.
The source provided the following update:
"Milan have been working on it for several days. The demand is high, around 15 million euros, Milan offers 10 million euros. They should reach 12 million euros + 3 million in bonuses to be able to sign him. The player did not show up yesterday at the team's departure for today's game, so there is a sort of case in this club. We'll see if Milan can bring him."
The journalist also spoke about Adam Ounas who is also now a target for Milan:
"Today Milan also tried for Ounas, they made a proposal of 3 million euros for a loan, Napoli said no: they want 20 million euros. On Messias, Elliott fund would like to invest in a young player and not a 30 year-old."