The investigation into the ultras, conducted by the mobile squad and coordinated by prosecutors Paolo Storari and Sara Ombra, continues. Two weeks ago, it led to 19 arrests among Inter’s Curva Nord and Milan’s Curva Sud.
Davide Calabria, defender and captain of AC Milan, was questioned yesterday as a witness in the investigation.

This was reported by ANSA. The case files include a meeting that took place in the early months of 2023 between Calabria and Luca Lucci, the head of the Milan ultras and one of those arrested in the investigation.
Here's the report, as relayed via
"According to the police and financial police investigation records, Calabria is said to have met Luca Lucci, head of the Milan ultras and now in prison, in February 2023 at a bar in Cologno Monzese. During the investigation, it is noted in the files that 'a meeting was documented' between Luca Lucci, the Milan ultra leader and one of those arrested in the inquiry, 'and the captain of Milan, footballer Davide Calabria,' in a bar in Cologno Monzese on February 8, 2023. However, the contents of this alleged meeting are not reported in the documents, but it is stated, based on wiretaps, that Luca Lucci was 'cryptically informed' by Giancarlo Capelli, known as 'the Baron' and a longtime Milan ultra leader, 'of the imminent arrival of a person who was supposed to meet him,' without revealing the name."
"Based on 'images captured by investigators – as stated in the files – it is believed that the person in question, referenced in the above phone conversation, despite its cryptic content, can be identified as Davide Calabria, footballer and captain' of Milan."
The Subject of the Meeting: According to Sportface, Calabria reportedly told investigators that Lucci contacted him to discuss "problems with the team, the locker room, and performance," and they talked about these issues.