The project of building a new modern stadium for both AC Milan and Inter has not seen much progress lately. Many bureaucratic setbacks have been in the way and the times are taking longer. This is something that pushed the clubs to explore their options.

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport in today's edition, AC Milan and Inter are evaluating the next steps given the current situation of the 'New San Siro Project'. most probable one for the construction of the new facility is Sesto San Giovanni. So far, underlines the newspaper, there is no news of direct contacts between the clubs and the mayor of Sesto San Giovanni. However, tihs may change in the next couple of months.
The two clubs do care a great about the old San Siro and are willing to come to terms with the mayor of Milan. However, they do not want to wait any longer than this. Besides, AC Milan and Inter will not agree to spending any more expenses without any guarantees laid on the table. Mayor Sala, is therefore warned. The new stadium will be built, either in the San Siro area, or elsewhere.